Avoid these 10 things before an gynecologist appointment

Do you feel nervous about your gynecologist visit because the thought of exposing yourself to your doctor feels totally uncomfortable? You’re definitely not alone—many women feel

the same way. Honestly, there are few things more awkward than sitting in a gynecological exam chair, legs spread wide, while someone examines you. But here’s the thing: these exams are crucial because they’re the best way to detect and treat sexually transmitted diseases or cancers like breast and cervical cancer at an early stage.

That’s why you need to push past your fear. Remember, your doctor sees plenty of naked women every day—it’s just part of their job. They aren’t focusing on things like toned thighs, painted toenails, or whether or not you’ve shaved. They’re focused on your health. And that’s something you can remind yourself of the moment you start feeling self-conscious. Your doctor isn’t worried about how you look — they’re just there to make sure you’re healthy.

2. Showing up without showering?
Even though your doctor doesn’t care if you shave or have hair down there, they obviously don’t want to examine someone who hasn’t taken care of themselves Read more below

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