If You Find a Penny in Your Car Door Handle, Here’s What It Could Indicate

If your car door behaves unusually, here are the steps you should take to protect yourself:

1. Inspect the Passenger-Side Door Handle
If the key won’t turn, check the handle on the passenger side for any obstruction. A small object like a penny might be lodged there, preventing the mechanism from working properly.
2. Stay Aware of Your Surroundings
Always be vigilant. Trust your instincts—if something feels off, it likely is. Seek assistance or arrange for someone to meet you at your vehicle if you’re uneasy.
3. Avoid Returning Alone to Your Car
If you can’t open the door, move to a well-lit, crowded area and call for help. Don’t return to your car alone or distracted, as thieves often prey on such opportunities. Read more below

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