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A Parent Reported Me to Admin Because My Clothes “Distracted” Her Son

Being a teacher can have many unexpected challenges, especially with how people see you. A middle school teacher who always dresses according to the rules and gets compliments on her outfits was reported by a parent who said that her “curvy” body was distracting their son.

The teacher shared her story:
I’m a middle school teacher and this year I teach 8th grade. I have a large chest that’s hard to hide. I always follow the dress code and in my 6 years of teaching, I’ve never been told I broke any rules. People often compliment my outfits!

My admin told me that a parent came to the school saying their son was talking about my chest at home, and they were worried I wasn’t following the dress code because he could see my chest. My admin assured the parent that I always follow the rules, and that I’m just naturally “blessed.” I’m simply curvy, and I can’t physically hide it.

The admin used the phrase “naturally blessed” when talking to me. She’s a woman, and that’s how she speaks. I’m not sure if she said it the same way to the parent.

I didn’t mind her comment, but I understand why some people might not like it. It could be a cultural difference in how we see these things. She was very supportive, and I didn’t feel like she was taking the parent’s side.

I don’t know who the kid or parent is because they didn’t tell me. I think it’s better this way because if I knew, I might feel uncomfortable around the student. So, it’s best that I don’t know and keep going, knowing that the admin supports me and that I’m doing everything right!

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