HILLARY CLINTON FOUND GUILTY, Violation is 45x WORSE Than Trump’s Alleged Crime
You ready for this?
The Washington D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals dropped a bombshell on the Hillary Clinton campaign!
They’ve been found GUILTY of breaking federal election law!
The amount that was spent illegally was $6 million.
Trump was convicted of misreporting a cool $130,000 during the same campaign,
That’s 45x more!
That’s like comparing a small ding in your car’s paint job to a full-blown engine fire.
And that’s exactly what the Democrat party is today. A totaled car. And we’re just here watching it go up in smoke.
The Gateway Pundit reports:
The Washington D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled Tuesday that the 2016 Hillary Clinton campaign and an affiliated super PAC violated federal election law in spending that totaled close to $6 million.
The amount in question is more than 45 times the $130,000 a Manhattan court convicted former President Donald Trump of misreporting in business records during the same 2016 campaign.
It should be noted that the Federal Election Commission and the Justice Department looked at the payments Trump made through his personal attorney at the time, Michael Cohen, to adult film star Stormy Daniels as part of a nondisclosure agreement and declined to prosecute him.
But Democrat Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg chose to bring the case under New York law, bootstrapping the alleged FEC violation as an underlying crime to the state business record violations.
The reimbursement payments made to Cohen were listed by the Trump organization as legal expenses. Bragg argued these payments made to Daniels initially by Cohen amounted to an illegal contribution to the Trump campaign.
Regarding the Clinton campaign case, the D.C. Circuit found the super PAC Correct the Record “set out to engage in a wide range of coordinated activities to support Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign.”
“In an administrative complaint filed with the Federal Election Commission, nonprofit watchdog Campaign Legal Center alleges that Correct the Record spent close to $6 million in coordination with the Clinton campaign during the lead-up to the 2016 election, including to conduct polls, hire teams of round-the-clock factcheckers, and connect Clinton media surrogates with radio and television news outlets,” the Court said.
The three-judge panel noted that Correct the Record coordinated all these activities with Clinton’s campaign.
The tables are definitely turning!
It’s sad what became of this little girl.
So much potential.
Such a waste.
What is going on here?
Why are Bill and Hillary Clinton reportedly flying commercial and with no Secret Service protection?
Let’s dig in and I’ll break it all down…
Let’s start right here with this post and video from RealAF Patriot:
All presidents and spouses are entitled to lifetime Secret Service protection.
Due to security details, flying commercial usually isn’t a viable option.
Why would former President Bill Clinton be flying commercial with 2 cops as his security detail?
In fact, how come every time we see Bill Clinton out and about, he is never with Secret Service?
Most of the time, the people around him don’t even acknowledge him!
Full video player here:
Grok confirms:

A lot of people have a lot of questions…
Why are they flying commercial?
Where’s the Secret Service?
Where is the Secret Service?
It’s possible they are trying to be inconspicuous, but aren’t they usually tightly flanking the President and his family?
These police officers are NOT Secret Service….
And why are they flying commercial anyway?
Aren’t the Clintons reportedly worth over $100 million?
You really mean to tell me they can’t fly private just off the interest that money makes them each month?
I actually have a different theory….
I think these things are almost always staged.
So why would the Clintons stage themselves looking so “normal” and “slumming it” by flying commercial with all the rest of us plebs?
One simple answer if you ask me….
She’s running.