Tim Allen Reveals SICK Thing That Happened The Night He And His Wife Met Bill Clinton [VID]

Look, we all know Bill Clinton is a pervert, rapist and a sexual predator- agree? Of course now he needs a little help from Viagra I would imagine. But he has a brutal history of womanizing. 

Well, actor-comedian Tim Allen has a little story about ‘Slick’ that he told FOX’s Megyn Kelly in a recent interview.

He also blasted Hillary and compared her husband Bill to a venereal disease while praising Donald Trump as a candidate who “might be able to do the stuff that really needs fixing.”

He also pointed out that Hillary is as exciting as a rock and has a legendary inability to crack jokes while contrasting it with her husband, whose entire presidency was a complete joke.

“She doesn’t have a skill set for jokes,” Allen, one of Hollywood’s few open conservatives, told Kelly. “She’s just not … her husband, who I’ve met, and is actually kind of a neat guy, although he was eyeballing my wife the entire time we were talking … and he kept looking at me, but he kept doing (looks to side) ‘Heh, heh, how you doing?’”

YouTube video courtesy of NONE Yeah

Wilmot Proviso at Conservative Tribune points out that this becomes significantly less funny when you consider that this is a president who’s been credibly accused of rape and who the left is more than happy to cover up for.

After all, former Gawker site Wonkette recently wrote that even if Clinton had raped Juanita Broaddrick, that didn’t mean he still couldn’t be a feminist.

The writer (who happened to be the site’s editor-in-chief and owner, just in case you’re wondering whether it was an aberration that somehow sneaked past an indifferent gatekeeper) also added that while it was probably rape, Clinton could have thought it was “dominant, alpha sex” and that your grandpa could have been a rapist so Clinton was in the clear.

No, I don’t get it either, and no, she didn’t phrase it any better than I did.

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I remember back in 2008 when the prospect of Todd Palin being the “first dude” was greeted with scorn on the left. Palin — who, by the way, was simply married to the vice presidential nominee, not the top of the ticket — was derided for hunting, riding snowmobiles, and generally being the type of person who wouldn’t show up at Davos drinking civet coffee from a reusable ceramic Starbucks cup.


Anyways, Allen had a few kind words for Donald Trump but said that we “can’t send everybody to Mexico or whatever the f–k he said.”

“But give that guy the roads, bridges, infrastructure, power grid — just have him fix that sh*t for four years. He’s good at that,” added Allen. “And he’s a businessman so he understands how debt load works. Forget the stupid sh*t he says about immigrants. That’s just ignorant. But he might be able to do the stuff that really needs fixing.”

Okay. Sounds good to me.

But the point is that Bill and Hillary are complete scumbags, inside and out. AGREE? 

God Bless.

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