Feinstein Makes a Disturbing Confession – It’s So Bad, Even Democrats Are Losing It Now
What’s Happening:
It’s a matter of public record that Democrat Sen. Dianne Feinstein was out for nearly three months at the start of the year. The aging Democrats suffered a bout of shingles, which required an extended hospital stay.
She was gone for so long, members of her own party called on her to resign, so they could replace and vote on Biden’s agenda.
So, what the heck is she talking about now?
Feinstein is 89 years old. She only returned to work last week, looking far from fully recovered. The Democrat required a wheelchair and reportedly missed several meetings and hearings. Recently, a reporter questioned her about her extended absence. To the shock of all, she denied ever missing a day. From The Daily Wire:
Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) appeared to have no recollection of her recent — and lengthy — absence from Washington, D.C., during a recent interview…
“I haven’t been gone. You should … I haven’t been gone. I’ve been working,” Feinstein insisted…
“You’ve been working from home is what you’re saying?” the reporter attempted to clarify.
“No, I’ve been here. I’ve been voting. Please, either know or don’t know,” Feinstein said, and brought the interview to an abrupt close.
Not only did Feinstein pretend as if she was at the Senate voting the whole time, but she scolded the reporter for asking. Hey, mainstream media! Still think you should be carrying Democrats’ water for them?
What on earth is going on in Feinstein’s head? Did she suffer from something other than shingles–which has damaged her memory? Or is she this old, that she shouldn’t be serving in office anymore?
How many 89-year-olds should be handling a job as important as senator? We wouldn’t want someone that old taking our order at a restaurant, let alone vote on bills that affect the entire country.
This episode is deeply disturbing. Feinstein is either blatantly lying (something politicians do so often, they don’t even think about it) or she has totally forgotten her three-month stay at the hospital.
Either way, where are the lawmakers demanding her to resign now?
Key Takeaways:
- Democrat Sen. Feinstein denied she was out, saying she was at the Senate voting.
- Feinstein was out of work for 10 weeks due to a bout with shingles.
- The woman scolded a reporter for asking her about her absence.
Source: Daily Wire