BREAKING NEWS About James Woods- So Sad To See Him Go…
It’s no secret that Hollywood is liberal as hell and blacklists any actor/actress that has conservative values and opinions.
I mean look at what happened to Tim Allen! He got screwed by these liberal maggots. They are a bunch of homosexual misfits hat are infatuated with Biden, Obama, Hillary and Bernie. They are all piles of trash.
Unfortunately, one of the greatest actors of all time, James woods got blacklisted by these assholes and he has had enough!
So, the Oscar-nominated actor said he was retiring from the industry. HE’S HAD ENOUGH OF THIS LIBERAL BULLSHIT.
I have several personal celebrity friends that are conservatives, having grown up with them in Burbank/ Hollywood during the 60’s-90’s and they have told me personally that they have been blackballed by the libs.
This is no conspiracy theory folks- it’s a damned fact.
Fox News reports that Mr. Woods tweeted this summer that he had “accepted the fact that” he was blacklisted from Hollywood because of his views. He has said being conservative has made it tough to find work in Hollywood the past few years.
“Absolutely. The only reason I express my views is that I have accepted the fact that I’m blacklisted. Also I bought Apple stock in the 80’s.”

Here’s another:
“While #Liberals scream about the 50’s blacklist, my #Repub actor friends are terrified of losing their ability to provide for their families.”

More from Fox:
The “Casino” actor has twice been nominated for an Academy Award and has won an Emmy Award three times. His movie credits include “Salvador (1986)” and “Ghosts of Mississippi (1996),” both of which earned him a nomination for an Oscar. He’s also played H.R. Haldeman in Oliver Stone’s “Nixon (1995),” starred alongside Barbra Streisand and Robert Redford in Sydney Pollack’s “The Way We Were (1973)” and was also in Martin Scorsese’s epic crime drama “Casino (1995).”
Woods was a Hollywood favorite — and a Democrat — until at least 1998, when he broke ranks with the party after former President Bill Clinton’s impeachment.
“I was for years, until #Clinton was impeached. Every single #Democrat without exception stood behind a convicted perjurer. That was the end.”

His luck in Hollywood turned sour soon after he became a Republican. He has not had a major role in a film in at least a decade.
The news of his retirement was included in a press release issued by Woods’ real estate agent offering Woods’ Rhode Island lake house for sale.
Allen Gammons said Friday that Woods is 70 and wants to relax. He says the actor’s brother and mother recently died, and he hopes to spend more time on passions including photography, antiquing and poker.
Gammons said Woods’ decision was not political.
The announcement comes after Woods was in a Twitter feud with actress Amber Tamblyn, who last month accused him of trying to pick her up when she was 16. Woods called it a lie. Gammons said Woods declined to comment Friday when asked about Tamblyn’s accusation.
Woods has said there are many conservative stars who didn’t speak up because “the blacklist against conservatives in Hollywood is very real.”
AFF has covered James woods quite a bit in the past.
Here’s a few snippets I thought you would like:
While Trump has only had baseless accusations (manufactured by the Hillary machine) thrown at him, Joe Biden has been caught in pictures being, well, judge for yourself.

Conservative actor James Woods said that he was directly threatened with violence by an insane liberal scumbag who threatened to hit him over the head with a 2×4.
What a liberal asswipe.
“So I’ve been directly threatened with violence. Let’s see if @Jack and @Twitter will actually do anything if a conservative is threatened,” Woods tweeted.
Woods said that it’s not the first time this punkass Twitter user threatened him.
“For the record this is one of his other threats before his account was suspended,” Wood said.
The threat was apparently in reference to a couple of tweets Woods issued regarding the probability of a second civil war in the event that President Trump is removed from office.
“If the #Democrats manage to reverse this election with their usual dirty tricks, there will be #CivilWar. This is not going to end well,” Woods tweeted earlier this month.
God Bless James Woods and God Bless AMERICA!!!