After California Passes Scary New Law – 2024 GOP Candidate Delivers a Perfect 1-Word Reply

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Parents are again facing criminal charges in this big blue state after the state legislature decided to meddle in parents’ business during custody battles. Parents who don’t abide by the law face being unfit for parenting their children.

The shocking law passed easily in the liberal-dominated California legislature. Judges must follow the law and parents will be forced to follow a radical liberal policy when it comes to their children.

From Fox News:

The California State Assembly passed legislation Friday that would require judges in child custody cases to consider whether a parent has affirmed a child’s belief that they are transgender.

The law is all about the state’s standard of what constitutes parental responsibility for child welfare. The state has established that if parents want to be judged fit in a court of law to provide for their children, they must be affirming of a child’s gender identity for “the health, safety, and welfare of the child.”

Sen. Tim Scott (R-S.C.) only took one word to describe the California decision, calling the law “evil.” The conservative 2024 presidential candidate believes liberals have gone too far.

“The radical Left is on a mission to make parents less important. They think your kids belong to them,” Scott added. “I will fight back, put parents back in charge, and protect the next generation of children from this absurdity.”

Scott has pledged as president he will empower parents and protect school children from the “classroom to the locker room to the smartphone.”

This is a welcome call to action for parents who face constant societal pressure or even intrusive laws like this California measure that interfere with their parental rights. Scott has garnered positive recognition for defending children with his plan to promote a “family first culture.”

Instead of sitting back and allowing politicians to enact laws like the California measure that pits parents against each other, Scott has vowed to empower parents to defend their children. This includes allowing parents to know what their children are hearing and reading in school and restoring “American childhood and let girls and boys be girls and boys, not guinea pigs.”

Scott has forcefully declared he will work to “break the back of the teachers’ unions and enact nationwide school choice” while empowering “every family the right to opt out of propaganda that attacks their values and religious liberty.”

These are noble goals as parents across the country face more restrictive liberal laws that affect their rights in how they raise their children.

Key Takeaways:

  • New California law pits parents against each other over gender of children.
  • S. senator calls the new law “evil” and vows to stop further actions.
  • Radical left mission to make parents less important must be stopped, senator says.

Source: Fox News

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